Keeping a backup of your text messages is simple enough, especially if you're using iCloud or Google drive, however you might have some text message conversations that you need to print out and keep on paper, and use this either as evidence in court, or simply in your personal archive.
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How to print text messages from Android. For copying or printing messages from an Android phone, we'll need Droid Transfer. Droid Transfer can access your Android device's data and copy it to your PC or print it out. The software can find any SMS or MMS message conversations on your device, and print them in the order they were sent.
This article covers a couple of tools which will print messages from your Android phone or iPhone with all the information about the messages at hand: sent messages, received messages, contact's name and number, dates and times, emojis and images. Both tools covered in the article also enable you to save your text messages to your PC in a PDF, Text or HTML format.
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How to print text messages and WhatsApp chats from iPhone
TouchCopy can access and copy any data from iPhones, iPads and iPods (there's no limit to the number of mobile devices that you can use with one TouchCopy license). In addition to text messages, TouchCopy can also save and print your MMS, iMessage and WhatsApp conversations for your reference, or for example for a court case.
The image below shows an iPhone message conversation displayed in TouchCopy. Please note that WhatsApp messages are displayed below all text message conversations in TouchCopy.
To print out iPhone text messages for court, follow these steps..
- Download and install TouchCopy on your computer.
- Run TouchCopy and connect your iPhone.
- Click the 'Messages' tab and locate the contact whose conversation you wish to print.
- Click the contact's name to view that conversation.
- Hit 'Print'.
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If you only require certain messages, rather than an entire conversation, you can set date-ranges in TouchCopy to select and print only messages between certain dates.
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TouchCopy will display and print your messages in a familiar way as shown on your iPhone and includes all message data including: contact's name/number, dates/times messages were sent/received, and any emojis or images in the message. As such, all information needed will be printed with your messages.
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For a visual guide on how to print out messages using TouchCopy, check out our video below!:
How to print text messages from Android
For copying or printing messages from an Android phone, we'll need Droid Transfer.
Droid Transfer can access your Android device's data and copy it to your PC or print it out. The software can find any SMS or MMS message conversations on your device, and print them in the order they were sent. Check out the image below where a conversation is displayed from the connected Android device.
Follow these steps to print Android messages..
- Download Droid Transfer on your PC and run it.
- Get the free Transfer Companion App on your Android phone.
- Scan the Droid Transfer QR code with the Transfer Companion App.
- The computer and phone are now linked. Hit the 'Messages' tab in Droid Transfer to view all message conversations.
- Select a message conversation and click 'Print'!
Droid Transfer:
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Note: We respect your privacy. We won't share your Email address with anyone else, or send you spam.
If you don't want to print an entire conversation, you can even set date-ranges in Droid Transfer to select and print only messages between certain dates.
Droid Transfer will print all message data including: contact's name or number (or both!), the date and time the message was sent or received, and any emojis or images included in the message. Conveniently, printed message data is presented in a familiar way, similar to that as displayed on your phone.
For a visual guide on how to print out messages using Droid Transfer, check out our video below!:
Can text messages be used in court?
Those of you who need to print iMessages, text messages and WhatsApp conversations as evidence in a court case, might be wondering if messages can be used as evidence in court. Please note that although we have been told by our customers that they have successfully used TouchCopy and Droid Transfer to print messages and present them as evidence in court, we don't have access to details of any such cases, or any involvement with any of the cases. Additionally, Wide Angle Software cannot guarantee forensic accuracy of any data recovered while using our products.
Saving Photos from MMS Messages on Android Phone is quite easy when you have just received the message or you know which message the photo is located in. However, it can become tedious in case you need to go through long message threads in order to find a particular image or when you cannot recall in which message the image is located.
Below you will find the steps to save photos from MMS Messages on your Android Phone, both when you know the message in which the image is located and also when you do not know where that particular image is located among hundreds of text messages on your phone.
Save Photos From MMS Message on Android Phone
If you have just received a photo via an MMS text message and you wish to save it, you can easily do so on your Android Phone by following the steps below.
1. Tap on the Messenger app and open the MMS message thread that contains the photo.
2. Tap and hold on the Photo until you see a menu at the top of your screen.
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3. From the menu, tap on the Save attachment icon (See image above).
4. The photo will be saved to Album named “Messenger”
You can easily access the saved image from Messenger Album by following the steps below.
1. Tap on the Photos App
2. Tap on Albums from the bottom of your screen
3. Next, tap on Device Folders
4. Browse through the Albums in Device Folders to locate Messenger Album, here you will find photos saved from text messages.
Save Photos Attached to All MMS Messages On Android Phone
Saving all photos attached to all your text messages can be useful in case you are trying to find a photo from tons of text messages.
Instead of going through all your text messages from everyone or going through long messaging threads you can make use of Apps like ‘Save MMS’ or ‘Save MMS Attachments’ to scan for images attached to text messages on your phone.
These apps will then save the images either on the Phone or its external storage device, so that you can take a look at all the photos and find the one that you are interested in.
Extract All Photos From MMS Messages Using ‘Save MMS’ App.
1. Download and Install Save MMS app from Google Play Store to your Android Phone
2. Run the app, it will extract all attachments (pictures, videos) from MMS text messages on your phone
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3. Scroll through the list of images and find the particular image that you are interested in.
4. Simply tap on the Photo – You will see the option to name the image file and save it to an SD card.
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The saved image will be available in a folder named “SavedMMS” on your SD card attached to your phone. Accessing the saved image is as simple as navigating to sdcardsavedmms.
Extract Photos From MMS Messages Using ‘Save MMS Attachment’ App.
This is another good app that can be used to extract images from all your text messages.
1. Download and Install the free version of Save MMS attachments on your Android device.
2. Open the app, and it will show you all the available images attached to your text messages.
3. Tap on the Save icon located at the bottom-right corner of your screen to save all images.
The saved images will be available in your Gallery, located in a folder named ‘Save MMS’.